Frederiksberg gardens



Frederiksberg gardens:



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The Frederiksberg Park and Gardens are located in Copenhagen, immediately west of the city center. The area is a large park area and next to the main gate is the actual garden of the Royal Horticultural Society (Haveselskabets Have).

In the waters of the beautiful garden he used to be rowed about on the canals saluting the people. The statue's pedestal has the following inscription: 'Here he felt happy in the midst of loyal people'.
Today, Svendsen's Boat Service (Svendsens Bådfart) will do the rowing for you. Boat tours operate all summer. The boat tour will give you a good idea of the vastness of the gardens.

On the tour you will see the Frederiksberg Palace, towering on a hill top, many lovely little bridges, and the Chinese Pavilion that was erected in 1799 as a Royal teahouse.

For centuries, the Frederiksberg Gardens has been a favourite outing spot for Copenhageners. Many bring their picnic baskets for lunch and top off the day by visiting the Copenhagen Zoo in the northernmost end of the gardens.
or horticultural inspiration, visit the lovely gardens of the Royal Horticultural Society (Haveselskabets Have) at the main entrance.

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