Roihuvuori japanese garden



Roihuvuori japanese garden: 

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True Finnish urban landscape Roihuvuoren can be found in a small Japanese-style park. Apartment buildings in the middle, terraced hillside, it is mostly conjured by hand about five thousand square feet of oriental gardens. Old louhoskentällä is mm. moon gate, bambuaitoja, paanukatoksia, stone arrangements, sand waves and marine life in a stream. The spring blossoms on a slope kirsikkapuumetsikkö mesmerizing beauty.
Eastern mysticism, the Finnish landscape

Although the Japanese garden was the idea behind the construction of oriental garden and essentially belong to symbolism, not Roihuvuoren Japanese style park, tried to forcibly convert the little Japanese. Japanese horticulture mysticism and religious undertones also was involved, but the design was based on the spot at the pre-exploitation of natural elements. Terrain Items strong differences in elevation and vegetation of Finnish basic aim was to highlight the park. Moss-covered rocks, and mountain ashes changing domestic small cliffs and streams through the Japanese the mountain views.



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